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I've been taking photographs of plants in and around my garden since I bought my first digital camera in 2001 (three years after I has started this website). So whilst wondering where to keep the pictures in the days before Flickr and cloud storage, I thought I'd create a little database of them on my UK Gardening website, and I've been taking photos and adding them to my site ever since.Below is a very small, random selection of photographs I have taken over the last 26 years. To see a larger version of a photograph, click the image. You'll then be able to scroll left and right through the current selection.
Arum maculatum (cuckoo pint, cuckoo-pint, jack-in-the-pulpit, lords and ladies). The berries are produced in summer, turning orangey-red in late-summer, early autumn.

Belted hoverfly Volucella zonaria. One of the largest flies of Britain. It mimics a hornet or wasp, but is harmless to humans. The adults are great polinators and their larvae are believed to eat wasp grubs.

Lilioceris lilii (lily beetle, scarlet lily beetle, red lily beetle) including damage to the lily leaves.

Glandora prostrata 'Heavenly Blue' syn. Lithodora diffusa 'Heavenly Blue' Lithospermum diffusum 'Heavenly Blue', Lithospermum 'Heavenly Blue'

Osteospermum 'Glistening White' syn. Dimorphotheca pluvialis (Cape marigold, Cape daisy, Rain daisy, African daisy) with hover fly

Eupeodes corollae syn. Metasyrphus corollae (Hoverfly). Whilst it may look like a wasp, it is actually a hoverfly.
Currently there are 1,620 images in the UKGardening database. If you would like to see a selection of random images, you can reload the page.
Other photo pages:
- Photo search
- Insect photos
- Fungi photos
- Favourite photos
- Recent photos
- Complete list of garden photos (Warning: image heavy)