Garlic - Allium sativum
China is the world's largest grower of garlic, harvesting 20m tonnes per year, over 70% of the world's consumption.
Cultivars and varieties:
Allium sativum 'Cristo' (Late variety) - Later variety that stores for longer.
Allium sativum 'Germinadour' (Early variety) - Early variety.
Allium sativum 'Printanor' - An early variety.
Allium sativum 'Provence Wight' - A vigorous growing, white, softneck garlic producing large bulbs and plump cloves. Plant cloves from October to December, or in the spring, in moist, but not waterlogged soil. Originally from Provence, in south-west France (hence the variety name) they grow well in a UK climate and store well.
Allium sativum 'Red Duke' - A hardneck variety with red cloves, a strong flavour and is more suited to growing in UK weather conditions.
Allium sativum 'Thermidrome' (Early variety) - An early variety.
Seeds to sow now:
Indoors or in a greenhouse
Antwerp hollyhock, Fig-leaved hollyhock, Hollyhock
Bristly hollyhock
What else to plant now:
Apple & pear trees (bare rooted)
Roses (bare rooted)
Outside under cover
Potato Onion