Seeds to sow now:
Indoors or in a heated greenhouse
Bell pepper, Pepper, Sweet pepper
Floss flower, Ageratum
Ornamental pepper
Antwerp hollyhock, Fig-leaved hollyhock, Hollyhock
Borecole, Kale
Bristly hollyhock
Brussels sprout
Normandy sorrel
Ornamental winter kale
Spinach, Summer spinach
Spring onion
Sweet pea
Outside under cover
Brussels sprout
French marigold
What else to plant now:
Apple & pear trees (bare rooted)
Roses (bare rooted)
Shows and events:
I have checked the events listed below and have added comments where necessary. Please check the show website before travelling, as some events are very popular and the venues may have put restrictions in place, others might have to be cancelled at the last minute.
Chiswick Flower Market
The Chiswick Flower Market began in September 2020, the first London flower market to open in 150 years. The market is open on the first sunday of the month and runs from 9:30am until 3pm.
Old Market Place, Chiswick High Road, Chiswick, London
Three Counties Showground: CountryTastic
CountryTastic @ Three Counties Showground
CountryTastic returns to the Three Counties Showground during this year's school Easter holidays. The educational, agricultural show is aimed at children under 10, their parents and guardians. Visitors can expect a hands-on, action-packed day of discovery with plenty of indoor and outdoor activities. Entry is by pre-booked tickets only.
- Three Counties Showground, Malvern, Worcestershire WR13 6NW
National Motor Museum: BBC Gardeners' World Fair - Spring
BBC Gardeners' World Fair - Spring @ National Motor Museum
Plant sales, tips and inspiration. Food market and live bandstand entertainment. Set in the grounds and gardens of Beaulieu. Including BBC goodfood Market
- Beaulieu, New Forest, Hampshire SO42 7ZN
Three Counties Showground: RHS Malvern Spring Festival
RHS Malvern Spring Festival @ Three Counties Showground
Show gardens, floral marquee and plant pavilion. Opportunities to buy plants, garden tools and equipment directly from the trade.
- Three Counties Showground, Malvern, Worcestershire WR13 6NW
RHS Chelsea Flower Show
Perhaps the most famous and prestigious flower show in the world. It has been held for over 100 years, starting in 1862 and was originally known as the Great Spring Show. It was held at the RHS garden in Kensington, moving to the Royal Hospital Chelsea grounds in 1913, when it was a three day show. The whole event now covers the equivalent of 8 football pitches, including the 12,000 sq m Great Pavilion, and all of the show gardens are put together in just three weeks (19 days) by over 8,000 people and dismantled in the 5 days after the show.
London Gate, Royal Hospital Road, Royal Hospital Chelsea, London, SW3 4SR
Open Farm Sunday
First launched in 2006, more than 2 million people have now visited over 1,600 farms. Over 400 British farms are opening their gates to the public, to show how our farms operate and promote home grown produce. See their website for your nearest open farm.
The NEC: BBC Gardeners' World Live
BBC Gardeners' World Live @ The NEC
Show gardens and floral marquee, gardening advice, demonstrations and the chance to buy plants! Run in conjunction with BBC Good Food Show Summer.
- North Avenue, Marston Green, Birmingham, West Midlands B40 1NT
Three Counties Showground: Royal Three Counties Show
Royal Three Counties Show @ Three Counties Showground
A celebration of farming and country living. Lots of activities in the main arena to keep the whole family entertained. Food and drink festival, crafts, exhibits and entertainment. The show also includes International Orchid Show.
- Three Counties Showground, Malvern, Worcestershire WR13 6NW
Hampton Court Palace: RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival
RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival @ Hampton Court Palace
Hampton Court Palace Flower Show is the largest annual flower show in the World. However, after the 2025 show it is changing to a biennial event.
Lots of large and smaller show gardens and marquees displaying flowers, plants and fruit. A whole marquee is dedicated for the 'Festival of roses'. Hampton Court has 34 acres of parkland so the flower show is able to spread out more than Chelsea. Unlike Chelsea where you can only purchase plants on the last day sell-off, at Hampton Court you can purchase plants and garden sundries on all days. In the last couple of hours in the afternoon of the last show day, a lot of the plants that have been in the display gardens are sold off at a reduced prices, so you may get a bargain. However, this also means that in late afternoon it's a bit frenetic and difficult to see the displays at their finest.30 minutes by train from London Waterloo.
- East Molesey, East Molesey, Surrey KT8 9AU
Wentworth Woodhouse: RHS Flower Show Wentworth Woodhouse
RHS Flower Show Wentworth Woodhouse @ Wentworth Woodhouse
A completely new RHS show for 2025. Floral marquee, show gardens, floristry displays, expert talks and advice, trade stands and food and drink stalls.
- Wentworth, Rotherham, South Yorkshire S62 7TQ
Three Counties Showground: Malvern Autumn Show
Malvern Autumn Show @ Three Counties Showground
A show for food and garden lovers. The event hosts specialist nurseries, including RHS-award winning growers, RHS flower show displays, the CANNA UK National Giant Vegetables championship, a wide selection of seasonal food and drinks stalls, cookery demonstrations, gardening talks, plant sales, vintage tractors, art & craft stalls and more. As the show is quite late in the year, the focus is on food crops and late flowering plants.
- Three Counties Showground, Malvern, Worcestershire WR13 6NW
All event details have been entered as accurately as possible, but please check with the event organisers before travelling to avoid disappointment.
The UKGardening web site has been running since 1998. The idea behind the site has always been to provide what we think will be interesting and useful information for the novice gardener.
Jobs to do in the garden this week.
- If you have had a fall of snow, gently shake shrub branches, a build up of snow and ice can cause branches to snap.
- Prune gooseberries and cover with netting to prevent birds from eating the buds.
- Plant summer fruiting raspberry canes.
- Apply fertilizer containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus around trees, fruit bushes and shrubs.
- Plant or move roses. They like plenty of sun and a clay soil. Leave 60cm (24in) between plants to allow air circulation, which will reduce the chance of infection.
- Clear away old crops from the greenhouse, including grow bags, they can harbour hibernating insects and their eggs. Spread the grow bag compost on the soil as a soil conditioner.
- Check produce and plants that are in storage for damage or drying out (dahlias, chrysanths etc.).
- If you are ordering seeds or plugs from mail order companies, you'll need to get your order in soon.
- Start off seed potatoes, standing them in seed trays with eyes uppermost.
- For an early crop of strawberries bring the pots into the greenhouse now.
- Pot up any cuttings that have rooted.
- Plant apple and pear trees. Check and adjust any stakes on young trees and remove stakes on any trees that have been planted more than 3 years.
- Feed fruit trees with a potash fertiliser.
- Hard prune dogwood/cornus stems every other year. This will ensure straight, upright, brightly coloured stems. Use the prunings as hardwood cuttings. Cut into 8inch lengths, trim the bottom at a 45 degree angle and the top straight across, so you know which way up it should be planted. Push the stems into an empty space in the border. My dogwood cutting YouTube video here.
- On a dry still day rake up fallen leaves, don't put them on the compost heap, as leaves break down in a cold process, whereas a traditional compost heap breaks organic matter down in a warm/hot process. Put them into a leaf composter, or make leaf mould. How to make leaf mould.
- Put out feeders for birds. Nuts, seeds, suet balls and mealworms are available in most supermarkets now, but birds also love chopped bacon rind, apple and pear cores, dried fruit and pieces of crumbled hard cheese. Don't forget to put out fresh water, floating a tennis ball in the water should prevent the water from freezing over. Encouraging birds into the garden will help reduce the number of insects and slugs.
- Prune summer-flowering clematis before they start producing new growth.
- Wash any used pots and seed trays, ready to be used for seed sowing.
- Plant summer and or autumn fruiting raspberry canes.
- Empty any decorative and non-frostproof pots and store them undercover, in a shed, greenhouse or garage. If they are kept empty and dry over winter they are less likely to be damaged by frost. Frostproof terracotta pots planted with a winter display should be lifted onto clay pot feet, to allow any excess water to drain out and reduce slug and snails climbing the side of the pot to eat your plants.
- During autumn and winter, indoor plants will require less feeding and watering. However as the temperature drops outside, the central heating goes on and the temperature in the house tends to go up, so whilst it's a good idea to keep your pot plants on the dry side and not water them too often, you should check a couple of times a week to ensure they haven't totally dried out. Oh and if you have a water spray bottle, hold the plant over the sink or bath and give the foliage a quick little squirt (don't do this to hairy leaved plants like African violets).
- Don't go and buy an indoor (small) watering can, I find that the kettle does just as good a job, but obviously not after it has just boiled!! (the water should be room temperature or cooler).
- Early November is usually the time to prune roses, but the weather is still mild and I still have flowers and buds on some of mine, so I'll wait until they have finished flowering when they can then be pruned, cutting them back to half their height.
- Prune overgrown or newly planted blackcurrants back hard - almost to ground level, this will 'open up' the plant and encourage new shoots, producing fruit the following season. Blackcurrants mainly fruit on last year's growth. Normal pruning is restricted to removing the old fruiting branches, just after fruiting, leaving new shoots to bear fruit next year.
- Now's a good time to service your lawn mower. If you've got an electric mower it's just a matter of checking the blades aren't too badly damaged (if they are the plastic type, they are easily replaced) and that the underside of the deck is clear of debris. For petrol mowers it's a bit more complex. Remove the air filter cover and give the filter a good vacuum. Lift the mower onto a bench and examine the underside of the mower deck and the state of the blade (note that most manufacturers suggest not tipping the mower unless it has been drained of oil as well as any petrol), remove the spark plug and check that the spark gap is bright, if not give it a clean with some fine emery paper and reset the spark gap. Old petrol from last year will be 'stale', making it difficult to start your mower. Mix it with some new petrol in your fuel can. For the first start of the mower I find a short spray from a can of Easy Start into the intake will get the mower going pretty quickly.
- After a frost try to stay off the grass. Treading on the lawn in frosty conditions can damage the grass.
- Pelargonium/geranium cuttings can be taken now. Cut off a 8cm (3in) shoot just below a leaf joint (node), remove all but the top pair of leaves and insert the cuttings 4cm (1.5in) into a small pot of potting compost. Gently water in the cuttings and place in a warm, well-lit place. When they have begun to produce more leaves they can be moved to larger pots, containing general-purpose compost.
- Order bare root roses. Bare root roses are cheaper to buy and have posted than container-grown roses. There is also a much broader range of roses available by mail-order than can be purchased in most garden centres.
Ordering early and planting within the first few weeks of October will allow them to start to get established before the hard winter frosts, but planted later in the winter/new year (up until the end of April), they'll still settle in quickly, begin to sprout and flower in the summer. When planting a bare root rose in winter you'll initially need to water it in well, but unless we have a particularly dry spell it shouldn't need additional watering, if planting in early spring, you'll need to keep an eye on the weather and water regularly to stop the roots from drying out. - Put holly branches on the ground to stop mice and squirrels digging up newly planted peas, broad beans and bulbs.
- Plant lily and gladioli bulbs in 4in (10cm) deep holes. Cover with soil or compost and gently firm down the soil to ensure that there are no air pockets as this may cause the bulbs to rot.
- When you see the new shoots forming on sedum, cut down the old, dead flower heads.
- Refirm the roots of any shrubs that may have been lifted by frost.
- Tidy up any remaining leaves and general garden rubbish. It's home to slugs, snails, vine weevil and woodlice and can introduce disease and infection into your garden.
- Keep an eye on the weather forecast. Cover shrubs that are likely to be damaged by frost with garden fleece, sacking or an old light blanket.
- Plant onion sets (bulbs). Run a string line across the bed and plant the bulbs, 5-10cm (2-4in) apart, up to their necks so just the tips are showing. Space the rows 25-30cm (10-15in). Firm the soil around them and water well, cover with a cloche for added protection. Keep an eye on them until they get established as some birds like to pull the sets out.
- Remove algae and moss from patios and paths with a pressure washer or proprietary patio and path cleaner (traditionally a tar oil winter wash could have been used, but these are no longer available, particualrly to the amateur gardener, as they were found to be carcinogenic).
- Transplant any self-set aquilegia, lupins and hollyhocks to new locations.
- As it's starting to warm up, it's a good time to lay a new lawn, although the best time is in Autumn or late winter, as it's damper and cooler, allowing the turf to bed in without you having to worry too much about regular watering. See here: laying a new lawn for further information.
- Spread compost from the compost bin over the borders and vegetable patch. This adds valuable nutrients to the soil and acts as a mulch, to retain moisture and reduce weed growth. The ground should be weed free and the soil moist before adding a layer of compost or mulch.
- To reduce the chance of introducing infection when pruning or deadheading, wipe the blades of secateurs, loppers and snips with a rag soaked with a garden disinfectant, such as Jeyes fluid, which can also be used to wipe down garden tables and chairs.
Recent articles:
- Creating a compost heap
- Chitting and growing potatoes
- Visit some lovely snowdrop displays, to brighten up a gloomy winter's day.
- Cleaning patios, paths and decking
- YouTube: Propagating snowdrops (Galanthus) by bulb division
- Sowing seeds
- How to lay a new lawn
- UKGardening YouTube Channel
- Tweets by UKGardening.
- Removing large branches
- Updated photo gallery